Saturday, May 14, 2011

How I play Bejeweled 2

I was playing around with Bejeweled 2 the other night, but not in the way most people play around with Bejeweled 2.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Desktop pictures

I have a desktop slide show and this is one of the pictures that comes up in the rotation:

Joel McHale dancing in his skivvies while playing pool on Community. It was a good episode.

What's your desktop look like?

Things are going to start happening to me now!

Feeling out of it today, but I’ve been getting work done at the very least. The warm weather is very much welcomed in Michigan but it also makes my allergies explode. I already take medication that makes me drowsy so having the watery eyes and headaches don’t help. But I’m pulling through!

My mom’s van was stolen a couple weeks ago from outside a church parking lot while she and my kid brother were at a Boy Scouts meeting. Nothing about that makes sense to me and I was furious when I found out. Mom’s been taking it better than I have but it also means I’ve had to take her to run errands a few times. She has a rental for the time being but that’s temporary and we still haven’t heard any news on the van. So it’s been fun.

I have to acknowledge the Red Wings were eliminated from the playoffs last night by the San Jose Sharks. I’m not a San Jose fan by any means and of all the teams to beat Detroit, this was one of my least favorites. However, Antti Niemi was pretty awesome and I’ll give an Internet high five to Todd McClellan for a job well done. It was a great seven game series and I think it was evenly matched. The Wings went from a 3-0 deficit to game seven, and it really did come down to the last minute of game play to see who would win. Still proud of you, Wings. Now it’s up to Steve Yzerman to take Tampa Bay to the finals.

For the last three or four months, I have been developing a website for a good friend of mine. It’s still being tweaked regularly but the foundation is there: I’ve put a lot of work into it and I’m still not done, but any suggestions or browser testing would be very helpful.

In the meantime, here you go:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A story, as told by my mom

So I was telling the pastor about how Star Wars Day is coming up and he said, "Oh yeah?" I replied, "Yeah! May the fourth be with you!" He rolled his eyes and groaned. 
Then we walked out of the church and I realized my car was stolen.