Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Optimism with MS Paint: Balls

I'm not sure I really grasped the concept of shadows in 2006.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Optimism with MS Paint: Games

Actually, I like playing games. Monopoly, Clue, Guess Who?, Connect Four, Parcheesi, Yahtzee...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Optimism with MS Paint: Snakes and Tea

I'm not even entirely certain what I mean by this. But I do know I went through a period in 2006 where the best way to vocalize my frustrations was via (sometimes not so passive) aggressive MS Paint drawings.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Self portrait, 2007

This is one of my favorite pictures of my brother, Dick, and I. It's a self portrait that was taken in late 2007, right before he went into the army. I added a little bit of blue color to it, but the picture already had a funky feel to it from the fluorescent lighting.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Figure illustration drawing

Even though this is more of a sketch than a drawing, I enjoy how this turned out. But then, I enjoy any excuse to pull out my Prismacolor pencils!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Grace Is Photogenic

I was having fun with Gracie May and came up with a bunch of ridiculous shots that, on their own, probably wouldn't have looked too great. But with their powers combined...

...it shows I have one goofy cat.

Monday, June 20, 2011

OMG I can't waaaaaaaait

Stevie is returning to Michigan in a couple weeks so she can see the sights, visit the people and photograph me having a nose bleed in a Barnes & Nobles bathroom.



Love, Beckasaurus

Not the face of hockey

Canucks fans riot near the corner of Georgia & Hamilton after the Bruins win game 7
of the Stanley Cup Playoffs on
June 15, 2011 in Vancouver B.C.   Source: Travel to Selangor

            It’s sad to see the rioting in Vancouver.

            It’s sad because it’s global news and, damn, what an embarrassment.

            It’s sad because the same thing happened in 1994.

            It’s sad because Vancouver has never won a Stanley Cup under the Canuck franchise and all people have to say about it is, “Over a hockey game?” In reality, this was less about hockey and more about angry drunks using a Game 7 loss as an excuse to wreck mayhem and destroy some cop cars. I’m sure Vancouver is actually a lovely place.

            This is not the face of hockey.

AP Photo/Darryl Dyck, The Canadian Press Source: CBC Chicago