Friday, October 21, 2011

This Day In History: October 21, 2006

Five years ago today, I was still settling into my first apartment. My roommate and I split the cost and bought a 55 gallon fish tank and we found ways to personalize it.

Namely, I gutted my malfunctioning NES and created an aquarium decoration.

We had a plethora of fish, from mollies to oscars, but we started with a pleco and two mean angelfish.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The 40°F Irish Wedding

My cousin got married earlier this month. I wish I had known it would be an outdoor wedding so I could dress more appropriately for a windy October day off a lake in Michigan, but... I got some nice pictures out of it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pray here for the Tigers & Lions!

Flipping through the channels between the Lions and Tigers games (oh my!), it reminds me of a photograph I took in February, 2006, of the church in Detroit next to Comerica Park and Ford Field.