Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blogging inconsistencies

            I’m not new to blogging by any means. But blogging consistently is another story.
            I switched over to Blogger from WordPress recently. Part of it was the idea of a fresh start. And I do love me some Google. As I’ve quickly found, I know more people who use Blogger than WP. So I made the jump.
            But here comes that omnipresent problem of sitting down on a regular basis to write. I’m not necessarily hard up for ideas. Maybe it’s having to take time out to write. But that makes it sound like I don’t enjoy writing and that is false.
            I suspect that once I make more connections with fellow bloggers, it will be more of an incentive to keep going. But for the few connections I’ve already made: How do you keep a blogging routine? I’d love to hear some input.

1 comment :

  1. First off: The image of Rivers in legwarmers just made me jizz my pants.

    Since my blog is a 'life blog' with a lot of personal style, that takes up the bulk of the content. I also have the attention span of a housefly so I also post random stuff that catches my interest. Movies, books, music videos, Jenny Lewis's sexy ass. I guess you should figure out what kind of blog you are going for (photography) and generate ideas around that. Then think about what kind of other things you would like to share, like life stuff. Then you can dedicate separate posts to those interests. A post on Redwings, a post on cats, a post on Trogdor, a post on your little brother in between all the photography ones. Then you can do follow-ups on those. I don't know if this helps or not because my blog is very random but that is usually how I work.
